Prime World: Defenders review

Hold back the Touched onslaught with your awesome array of cool towers!

Help your fellow artefact hunters keep the Touched at bay by strategically placing defensive towers and using the awesome spells you wield in this amazingly fun, collectible card game-inspired tower defense game, Prime World: Defenders! In this game, you'll also need to upgrade your towers and spells as well as improve your passive talents so that you can take on the very challenging boss levels! Be amazed by the game's engaging storyline and learn about how Prime World and the group of Defenders come into being!

Are you ready to take up your role as your group's commander of defensive operations and protect them from harm? Play the game today to find out!

Game rating: 9/10


  • Forge system - fusion or evolution
The forge system is a great way to upgrade your tower/spells cards. Fusion increases the level of the card by consuming unwanted cards that you add in the process. For evolution, you'll need to use 2 of the same tower cards in order to buff it up a grade. This means that when you place the tower while playing, you can upgrade it to the second grade, allowing it to deal more damage.
  • Huge variety of towers and spells - spells don't cost you anything to cast!
The game offers up to 21 different types of towers, though some of their effects are somewhat similar. These towers are separated into 3 categories - normal, unique and epic as well! For spells, there is around 11 different spells that you can use (if you have the spell card in question, of course) and it's great that spells don't cost you anything to cast! it only has a cooldown duration that varies from spell to spell.
  • Can speed up using the 2x button - it is really fast
  • Can call the next wave earlier (not all TD games have this option, surprisingly)
  • Each level has 2 secondary objectives that you can complete to get additional coins and XP - if you want more challenge, then you should definitely go after these 2 secondary objectives
  • Huge range of different Touched creeps – including flying and armored ones
  • Nice preview of the map before playing
  • Can increase tower/spells slot via talents


  • A very messy business model - they are releasing the game as free-to-play on multiple online gaming platforms, but they still charge $9.99 for an outdated version of the game on Steam?
  • Repetitive grinding/ farming, particularly before tackling a boss level.
  • Some towers and spells do not work as well - such as the slowing tower and prime bomb.


  • New cards can bought using in-game currencies (coins and stars), but the rate to earn these can be pretty low.
  • As you build additional towers of one type, the cost for the tower goes up. (it's not really good for gamers, but it somehow works for the game)
  • Rather linear talents system - not much talents customizations (however I do understand that this is a TD game and not an MMORPG)

Tips and other comments:

- Get the dragon tower as early as you can as it is the best tower in the game. (for more info: you can check out the guide here:

Video trailer:


Check out the screenshots in our gallery to find out more!

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(to support the devs)

Price: $9.99

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