Strife: Open Beta review

Experience endless variety, action-packed gameplay and team-based strategy in this second generation of MOBA, Strife!

Strife, from the developers of Heroes of Newerth, is another new MOBA to look out for. It features the classic MOBA gameplay at a much more casual level. This allows players who are new to the MOBA genre to be able to have some casual MOBA fun in this game! It also offers a pet system and an item crafting system which complements the limited hero pool, allowing you to customise your hero with the build that fits your play style. It may not be a huge contender to new and super-hyped up MOBAs like Heroes of the Storm, Strife promises enough tweaks to the MOBA formula to be able to get a part of the core gaming community excited (hence, the review)!

Game rating: 9/10


  • Free to play
  • Lower skill ceiling - unlike in other competitive MOBAs
  • Limited hero pool
This is actually a good thing in Strife because it aims to keep it as simple as possible for MOBA newbies without sacrificing too much in terms of hero variety.
  • A nice pet system (currently, it has 10 pets) that has unique abilities to supplement your hero
  • A robust crafting system for creating hero items that will be available in the in-game shop for you to purchase
  • Shared gold system - as long as you're within the vicinity
  • Easier gameplay if you love playing the usually under-appreciated support role in MOBA
No wards needed since there are observatories that anyone can easily activate to push back the fog of war.
  • Attempts to reduce potential source of toxicity in the game
That is why personal carriers in Strife cannot be killed and that you cannot deny creep kills. Oh and then there's the Karma system too.


    • I've heard that there have been some hero balancing issues that the game still has to work out.


    • The core concept of the gameplay in Strife is the same as the standard MOBA game - 5vs5 matches and destroy the enemy's Crux to win.
    • The graphics looks too cartoonish, making it feels like a child's game to some. For others, the graphics may be a welcoming aspect in making Strife much more accessible to new MOBA players... coz it's cute. 
    • Smaller maps - Makes enemy encounters frequent and will keep you on your toes! Good for challenging experienced players, bad for newbies who are not ready to engage the enemy.

    Tips and other comments:

    Strife does not aim to be a major eSport MOBA. It focuses more on the new untapped market of potential MOBA players... that is the core gamers. From what I see and being a core gamer myself, I believe Strife can be a great game to start learning about MOBAs and if it can keep the toxicity down, it may even be a great place for casual-MOBA-loving core gamers to stay!

    Video trailer:


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