Top 5 Most Anticipated Free-to-Play Games in 2015

For a gamer, the arrival of the new year signifies the release of a new treasure trove of games! From what I've seen (in order to compile this list), I dare say 2015 is going to be a great year for gamers, I can just feel it! 

So, here's the line-up of the top 5 most anticipated free-to-play games in 2015!

Heroes of the Storm

1. Heroes of the Storm

(Game genre: MOBA)

Interesting features:
  • Objective- and team-based gameplay
  • Fast-paced matches, each lasting around 10-20 minutes
  • Shared team experience
  • No in-match shop, items or currency
  • Approachability for players who are new to MOBA
  • Unique talents system for hero skills
  • Map variety
  • Free to play
Game anticipation rating: 10/10

Check out our complete review for Heroes of the Storm here.

EverQuest Next: Landmark

2. EverQuest Next: Landmark

(Game genre: Sandbox MMO)

Interesting features:
  • A sandbox world - you can change the environment on the land you own as you see fit!
  • An explorer's paradise - Roam across vast lands, expansive worlds (including subterranean worlds)
  • Robust gathering and crafting system - I particularly love its mining aspect
  • Easy-to-use building controls - Build structural masterpieces in less an half an hour!
  • Make items in player studio and sell them for real hard cash!
  • The game is linked to the upcoming EverQuest Next, a free-to-play MMORPG game.
  • Has absolutely astonishing graphics, especially considering that it is a voxel-based game. The voxels in the game look extremely polished.
Game anticipation rating: 10/10

Landmark review is pending.

World of Warships

3. World of Warships

(Game genre: War game)

Interesting features:
  • Exciting and visually aesthetic 20th century naval combat
  • A huge range of warships available, such as aircraft carriers, battleships and cruisers (There will be no submarines though), that will require varying play style! 
  • Very realistic gameplay, particularly for in the case of ship navigation
  • Players will have to adapt to the fluctuating weather and sea conditions even when they are in the middle of a heated battle. 
  • Definitely a game that will follow in the footsteps of World of Tanks/ Warplanes and enter the eSport market soon after its release.
Game anticipation rating: 9/10

World of Warship review is pending.

World of Speed

4. World of Speed

(Game genre: Racing)

Interesting features:
  • The devs promised that it'll be true to its free-to-play title, unlike a certain other game *cough* Need for Speed: World
  • A larger variety of car customisations
  • An even larger range of race cars - you won’t just be getting luxury sports cars, you can get some of the more humble yet equally race-worthy vehicles too!
  • Stunning visuals
  • Amazing variety of tracks
  • Objective-based races that focus on team play
Game anticipation rating: 9/10

World of Speed review is pending.


5. Skyforge

(Game genre: Fantasy/sci-fi-themed MMORPG)

Note: The introduction part of Skyforge only lasts for 1:45 minutes. You can skip the rest of the video if you wish.

Interesting features:
  • Prestige-based system to replace traditional leveling system
  • Ascension Atlas - allows each character to have access to all classes
  • Out-of-this-world graphics and model designs
Game anticipation rating: 9/10

Skyforge review is pending.

With so many different and yet excellent games coming out soon, free-to-play gamers certainly have a lot of stuff to be happy and excited about in this new year! So, do keep a close eye out on Core Gamers (by following us on Twitter or GooglePlus or liking us on Facebook) to find out when these games are going to be released once it is announced by the devs of the games!

If you think I've missed out any great games that you're eager to get your hands on, feel free to post a comment below to let me know the name of the game as well as the reasons why it deserves to be on the list.

Honoured mentions - Games that are awesome but couldn't be released  in 2015 (estimated):
  1. Battlecry, an MMO action/arena game by Bethesda
  2. Battleborn, an MMO hero-shooter game by the creators of Borderlands
  3. Overwatch, an MMO shooter game by Blizzard Entertainment
  4. Gigantic, a MOBA with a very unique twist to its gameplay
  5. Fortnite, an MMO shooter game that may remind you of Team Fortress 2 and perhaps a bit of Loadout.
  6. EverQuest Next, an MMORPG that will be released after Landmark.
Note: Games that are released (either in open beta or early access) in 2015 (in Jan and Feb) prior to the publication of this article are not included in this top 5 most anticipated free-to-play games list.

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