Heroes of the Storm: Closed Beta review

Take control of your favourite Blizzard hero and fight for glory in Heroes of the Storm!

Heroes of the Storm is THE most anticipated and upcoming MOBA by Blizzard! It promises many things that will set itself apart from other generic MOBA games and, from what I can see, this is indeed a great time to be a fan of MOBA games. 

Game anticipation rating: 10/10


  • Objective- and team-based gameplay
  • Fast-paced matches, each lasting around 10-20 minutes
  • Shared team experience
  • No in-match shop, items or currency
  • Approachability for players who are new to MOBA
  • Unique talents system for hero skills
  • Map variety
  • Free to play


  •  Grindy to buy new heroes


  • Monthly hero rotation

Other comments:

This is one game that is guaranteed to hit the eSports scene right after its release!

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