Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Phantoms review

Athena Corps made the world's most advanced and lethal weaponries... and they sold it to the highest bidder....

The Ghost Recons are upholders of order in a very unstable world, but they are now facing one of their biggest threats to date! Due to intersecting and yet conflicting agendas, the Ghost Recons are forced to face their ex-brothers-in-arms, the Phantoms, in a final showdown  between good and evil. Who will triumph? It's up to you and your team of Ghosts to find out in this thrilling tactical MMOTPS Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Phantoms!

Game rating: 10/10


  • Unique 3-class system (Assault, Recon and Support) and you can play as all 3!
  • Fast-paced matches with the shortest matches lasting around 15 minutes.
  • Challenging and realistic gameplay with strong emphasis on teamwork and securing objectives
This game is not all about who can get the most kills. Granted that getting kills are important, but by completing objectives will you win the match and trust me when I say, you cannot win an objective all by yourself, if, of course, the opposing team is competent enough. Also, the part where you can slide across the ground while firing is cool, so is the fact that when you take cover, you can increase some of your beneficial stats. Dodging in this game is very important.
  • Excellent match-making for 'beginner/lieutenant' bracket
  • In-depth and engaging background storyline (this is mainly due to it being based off the PC version of the Ghost Recon franchise)
  • Very beautiful and detailed futuristic-themed graphics - not as great as PC, but it's good enough for a free to play MMO shooter.
  • Huge gun variety and each gun is fully customisable.
  • Very nice map design - almost every place that you can take cover in can be approached from various sides (if not by a grenade), so it is impossible to hide and just hold out until the match ends.
  • Low toxicity in the community - out of the many matches I've played, I've only noticed just a few toxic people around
  • Robust ranking system


  • Low money earning rate - If you're not a daily and frequent player, getting that next tier weapon can be pretty difficult.
  • Rather bad match-making for the 'all players' bracket.
Once you enter into the captain rank, you'll get lumped together with the generals and the colonel (high level and experienced players). Guess how that'll turn out?
  • You have to repair your armour and replenish your grenades using in-game money (Athena credits, AP).


  • Not pay to win. This statement is something that GRP players have been arguing for years, so, i think I'll just list out some of the legit points that have been around and let you decide for yourself!
Point 1: The guns are rather balanced I would say since guns are can be fired fast will have lower damage and vice versa. Higher tiered weapons have higher fire rate, making it an important attribute.

Point 2: Everything that can affect your gameplay can be purchased using in-game money or Ghost Coins (GC). However, GCs also allows you to buy AP and XP boosts (besides cosmetics) and can be converted to APs. Spenders can unlock everything faster and this means that even though they are of low rank, but they can have the best gear money can buy.

Point 3: Weapons are tiered. You will need to unlock previous tiers in order to purchase better guns.
  • Integrated voice chat system
This is a bit of a hit-and-miss for me. This feature does make coordination between team members easier (if they listen to you anyway), but it can be really noisy at times (background static noise coming from your teammates' mic).
  • Death streak bonuses - which doesn't really help much, especially when your team/the capture point is being camped by snipers.
  • Occasional server issues - I'm sure not every game is perfect, but I think this is worth a mention here.

Tips and other comments:

- For beginners, get your chosen class device and learn how to use it. The easiest is probably the 'scan device' for Recons. 
- Hop from cover to cover.You should minimise the time you spend without cover in the game.
- Map control is VERY important. Learn all the favourite hiding places on the map and you can cut down (slightly) on your deaths.
- Try all the classes. They have different roles in the game and to find one that you may want to stick to (or if you want to stick to all 3 classes, you may).

Video trailer:


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Additional labels: Third person shooter, Ghost Recon Online
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