Early Access and Beta: Featured Games

Early access and beta games may not be as reliable as fully released games (well, not really, there are supposedly launched games that require huge amounts of patches lol), but they do provide an insight as to how the game will turn out to be!

These are some of the games that we find are extremely promising, super-hyped up or both!

=Featured Game of the Month=

Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm is THE most anticipated and upcoming MOBA by Blizzard! It promises many features that will set itself apart from other generic MOBA games and, from what I can see, this is indeed a great time to be a fan of MOBA games. Read more...

Check out our review of Heroes of the Storm here!



Check out our review of Nosgoth here!


Check out our review of Strife here!


Check out our review of Survarium here!


Review for Stonehearth is pending.

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