Nosgoth: Open Beta review

In a battle between humans and vampires, who will be the hunter and who will be the hunted?


The war between humans and vampires raged over the ancient land of Nosgoth as one tries to eradicate the other in a bid to reclaim the place! Play as the swift-moving and nimble-climbing vampires or as the weapons-wielding and armour-toting humans in an all-out bloodbath at the arena!  Which side will reign supreme over Nosgoth? Well, you will know if you try the game out!

Game rating: 9/10


  • Engaging storyline that is derived from the Legacy of Kain game series
  • Challenging PvP gameplay that is sure to get your heart pumping extra fast!
  • Up to 4 classes per faction that you can choose from, each having their respective unique abilities and skills. You can swap classes during the waiting period for respawning too!
  • Richly detailed and downright gritty graphics - No vamps that sparkle here!
  • The concept of Vampires vs Humans combat is enough to get me rushing to play the game... as a vampire, of course! :P


  • Rather steep learning curve, especially if you have not played such a game before.
  • No restriction on how many players can use the same class in a team. You may even encounter a team with all Reavers (Vampire), for example.


  • Due to the amount of gore in this game, particularly when a vampire tore off the head of a human to feed, it is advised to keep children away when you're playing.
  • Vampires may seem a tad bit more over-powered since they could move really fast, climb walls really fast and there's one which can fly! However, when played correctly and when you have a good team, humans can also be rather fun to play.

Tips and other comments:

-When playing as a human, it's best to get your team into an enclosed area, preferably with a roof over your heads to deter any sentinels. Be watchful of bombs though! You'll need to keep all eyes and ears open for any dangers as well! Be aware of your surroundings and check any possible hiding places, including the roofs of buildings around you.

- When playing as a vampire, know that the weapons that humans use is much powerful than your clawing attacks. Thus, it's best to isolate them and catch them by surprise so that they wouldn't have the time to react!

- Nosgoth is an ideally-placed candidate for eSport events. In fact, the game already has an ongoing tournament this month called the Nosgoth Beta Cup Series. You can sign up via ESL Nosgoth if you're interested.

Video trailer:


Check out the screenshots in our gallery to find out more!

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Nosgoth: New classes, Vanguard and Summoner, are out now! 

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