
Alone on this battlefield, you will not survive!


Communicate with your squad. Coordinate with your team. Conquer all!


Developers: Offworld Industries

Expected launch date: - (But its Steam Early Access will be released end of 2015)

Platforms: Xbox One, PS4, and PC (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)

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Homepage: http://www.joinsquad.com

Key features:
  • A different kind of cooperative gameplay
Their experience with Project Reality (Battlefield 2 mod) helped them to come up with a gameplay system that focuses more on cooperative gameplay between members of the squad rather than on the lone wolf.
  • Open expansive maps
Maps are based on real world locations throughout the world. The data needed are obtained by satellite (Geographic Information Systems (GIS)). Oh and you are given the freedom to roam the battlefield, so if your squad's good enough, you may just be able to pull off a tactical flanking manoeuvre!
  • Unique Kit Role System
In Squad, it's not about how awesome your weapon is (not as much as other FPS games anyway), but it's more on how well you can play the role that is needed of you in battle... and every role is important in the game! You'll start off with the basic Rifleman, but you'll soon need to master other roles/ professions, be it a machine gunner, sniper, grenadier, APC-crewman, helicopter pilot, squad-leadership, construction engineer, medic or forward observer.
  • Base building - provide some means of fortification for the team, particularly your resupply stations and spawn points.
  • Logistics and resupply system
Instead of having fixed resupply points, your team will decide where to place these vital Forward Operating Bases and Rally Points. These points can also be destroyed by the enemy like in any real life battlefield and you can do the same to the enemy's supply lines too. Strategically placing these points may turn the tide of battle!

Other features:
  • Immersive realistic gameplay
  • Massive 100-player combat
  • Mountable tanks, APCs, motorcycles and helicopters!  
  • Realistic damage models - meaning that if you're shot in the leg, you won't be sprinting... until you are treated
  • Integrated positional VOIP - bye-bye third party stuff
  • Real world current time period factions - No fictional countries
  • Realistic in-combat revival - Dragging your buddy to safety if the injury is too severe for some simple first aid
  • Support for modders and mission designers
  • Support for team tournaments and ladders
  • ...and for those who love to create gameplay videos, in-game filming tools are provided!

Kickstarter Video

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Kickstarter pledges: $6, $37, $86, $123, $221, $369, $400, $738

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